You Are Here: Preschool >> Themes >> Preschool Thanksgiving Theme >> Preschool Thanksgiving Activities
Rubber Glove Turkey
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What You Need:
What You Do:
Tie Turkey
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Begin with a turkey poster cutout. Use some old neck ties. cut them down to about 12 inch lengths. Starting with the large end staple it to the bulletin board. Place each piece against the last until it forms a half circle. Use smaller pieces in-between to make it more full. Staple the turkey cut-out on top of the ties. It makes a colorful display and uses old ties you tried to get rid of a long time ago... Place "Happy Thanksgiving" above the display.
Turkey Cookies
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I did this with my pre-schoolers and they loved it. You bring cookie dough to school (already made) and bring cookie cutters. Use turkies, leaves,etc. After they have baked let your chilren decorate their own cookies with food coloring icing, that way their turkies can have different color feathers, and they can take home the cookies. They love it! The cookies are great too!