You Are Here: Preschool >> Themes >> Preschool Mice Theme >> Preschool Mice Games
Hidden Story Features
Submitted by Charlette
When you are reading the story, "If You Give A Mouse A Cookie" hide different items from the story throughout your classroom let your children try to find the items that were hidden. Some items you can use are a pretend cookie, milk, straw, tape, broom, a story, paper , napkin, mirror, nail scissors, colors, pen, etc.
The Old Cat is Sleeping
Submitted by Carla
Have one child be the old gray cat and have all of your children pretend to be the mice while saying the following poem:

The old gray cat is sleeping , sleeping, sleeping,
The old gray cat is sleeping in the house
The little mice are dancing, dancing, dancing (children dance)
The little mice are dancing in the house (continue dancing)
The little mice are nibbling, nibbling, nibbling (children nibble)
The little mice are nibbling in the house!
The little mice are resting, resting, resting (children sit or lay)
The little mice are resting in the house (continue sitting)
The old gray cat comes creeping, creeping, creeping (Cat begins to creep)
The old gray cat comes creeping in the house (Continue Creeping)
The little mice go scampering, scampering, scampering (Children run around)
The little mice go scampering in the house (Children run until caught then that child is the cat)

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Everything Preschool >> Themes  >> Mice >> Games