You Are Here: Preschool >> Themes >> Preschool Camping Theme >> Preschool Camping Science
Worm Aquarium
Submitted by Jenni
Go to your local fishing store and buy real live worms. You can then build a worm habitat in an aquarium in your classroom. Kids love to feel, touch, smell what fisherman use to catch fish. Caution: Watch kids closely as some will attempt to eat the worms.
Camping Scavenger Hunt
Submitted by Anne
Go on a walk and have the kids look for things that they might see while camping (rocks, leaves, stream, etc.) Let the kids collect the items and bring them back to class.
Catch A Fish
Submitted by Pat
Get minnows or other small fish from either a pet store or a bait shop. Put them in shallow water in an aquarium, bowl, or in a water play area. Let you children try to catch them. Caution them that if they do catch them to put them back in the water quickly. At the end of the day let the minnows go in the closest body of water.
Submitted by Jimmy
Set up a tent in the play area so kids that have never been camping can get an idea what it is like.
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Everything Preschool >> Themes  >> Camping >> Science