You Are Here: Preschool >> Themes >> Preschool Camping Theme >> Preschool Camping Activities
Tent Area
Submitted by Jenni
Set up an area in your classroom that represents a tent. You can put a sheet up in a corner, get a large appliance box (oven, refrigerator), or bring in an actual tent. Tell the children that it is a tent and let them pretend that there camping. They can use the tent to do puzzles, read books, or nap.
Trail Mix
Submitted by Lori
Hide the parts of trail mix along your normal walk path. Tell your kids that your going hunting for food. When they find the ingredients take them all back to the classroom and have trail mix for snack time.
Camping Day
Submitted by Shelly
Have a camping day. Invite your children to wear their camping clothes and bring their sleeping bag. For snack you can have toaster oven smores. You can also go on nature walks.


Make a fake campfire using rolled up newspaper or paper towel rolls as logs and tissue paper as fire. Let the children do typical campfire things around this fire (tell stories, sing, etc.)
Have smores for snack
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