You Are Here: Preschool >> Alphabet >> Letter F >> Letter F Songs and Music
The Flower Song
Submitted by Jennifer
The flower has some petals, the flower has some petals.
The petals call the birds and bees, the flower has some petals
The flower has some leaves, the flower has some leaves.
The leaves will catch the rain and sun, the flower has some leaves.
The flower has a stem, the flower has a stem.
The stem will make it stand up tall, the flower has a stem.
The flower has some roots, the flower has some roots.
The roots will carry food and drink, the flower has some roots.
Five Frisky Frogs
Submitted by Tina
Five little frisky frogs, hopping on the shore (hold up five fingers)
One hopped into the pond -SPLASH!! (jump out)
So then there were just four, four little frisky frogs (hold up four fingers)
Climbing up a tree, one fell into the grass, BOOM! (pretend to fall)
So then there were just three, three little frisky frogs (hold up three fingers)
Bathing in the dew, one caught a sneezy cold A-CHOO (sneeze)
So then there were just two, two little frisky frogs (hold up two fingers)
Sleeping in the sun, One slept the day away, SNORE! (pretend to sleep)
So then there was just one, one little frisky frog (hold up one finger)
Sitting on a stone, let's call his four friends back, Yoo-hoo, Yoo-hoo
So he won't be alone.
Ten Little Fingers
Submitted by Barbara
I have ten fingers and they all belong to me (hold hands up)
I can make them do things Would you like to see?
I can shut them up tight (form fist)
Or open them wide (hold fingers out)
I can put them together or make them all hide (Close both fists)
I can make them jump high (put hands over head)
I can make them go low (put hands down)
I can fold them quietly and hold them just so (put hands in lap)
Planting Flowers
Submitted by Tina
Planting flowers, planting flowers
In the ground, in the ground,
Water them and they grow,
Water them and they grow,
All around, all around.
Fire Engine
Submitted by an Unknown User
This is the fire engine, this is the hose,
the firemen work fast, when the siren blows.

Up goes the ladder, Up goes the hose.
The fire is out, When the siren blows.
Two Feet
Submitted by an Unknown User
I can walk with two feet, two feet, two feet.
I can walk with two feet, two feet, all day long.

I can skip with two feet, two feet, two feet.
I can skip with two feet, two feet, all day long.

I can jump with two feet, two feet, two feet.
I can jump with two feet, two feet, all day long.

I can hop with two feet, two feet, two feet.
I can hop with two feet, two feet, all day long.

I can march with two feet, two feet, two feet.
I can march with two feet, two feet, all day long.

I can run with two feet, two feet, two feet.
I can run with two feet, two feet, all day long.

I can slide with two feet, two feet, two feet.
I can slide with two feet, two feet, all day long.

Submitted by an Julie
I'm a little firefighter on the go
Here is my helmet; here is my hose
When I see a fire hear me shout
Turn on the water and put the fire out
Fire Fighter, Fire Fighter
Submitted by Lisa
Fire fighter, fire fighter
Hear the alarm
Save the building, from any harm.
Fire fighter, firefighter
No time to rest
Wake up; wake up
Do your best
Fire, Fire
Submitted by Violette
Fire, fire, fire fire, hear the siren blowing!
Fire, fire fire , fire everybody's going!
Climb the lader, squirt the hose,
With a shh, shh. shh, shh, out the fire goes!
Fire truck Song
Submitted by Paula
Hurry, hurry drive that fire truck,
Hurry, hurry drive that fire truck,
Hurry, hurry drive that fire truck,
Ding, ding, ding, ding, ding

Hurry, hurry ring the bell
Hurry, hurry ring the bell
Hurry, hurry ring the bell
Ding, ding, ding, ding, ding

Hurry, hurry turn the corner
Hurry, hurry turn the corner
Hurry, hurry turn the corner
Ding, ding, ding, ding, ding

Hurry, hurry climb the ladder
Hurry, hurry climb the ladder
Hurry, hurry climb the ladder
Ding, ding, ding, ding, ding

Hurry, hurry squirt the hoses
Hurry, hurry squirt the hoses
Hurry, hurry squirt the hoses
Ding, ding, ding, ding, ding
Five Little Fingers
Submitted by Paula
I have five fingers on each hand (hold up each hand.)
I like to put them in the sand (Wiggle all your fingers.)
When I hide my thumb just so (turn hands so back is showing and Bend thumbs)
There's only four that I can show (Show four fingers on each hand.)
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