You Are Here: Preschool >> Themes >> Preschool Food Theme >> Preschool Food Activities
Kitchen Dramatic Play Area
Submitted by Cindy
In the sensory table add warm water, small amount of dish soap, dishes and untensils form the kitchen area, sponges, dishclothes, dish towels.
Dramatic Play Bakery
Submitted by Bet
During your food, bakery, bread, etc week create a dramatic play bakery.
* Make a lot of white play dough so your children can roll it mash it and make their bread
* Add muffin pans, cake pans, bowls, measuring cups, etc
* Provide your children with rolling pins, aprons, and maybe even chef hats!
* For an added effect add play food ingredients (salt, eggs, flour, etc.)
Lets Make Cookies
Submitted by Nina
Make homemade cookies with your class and then have them for snack!
Breads Around the World
Submitted by Leslie
Let your children taste test different breads, cakes, etc from all over the world during bread week.
Pasta Variety
Submitted by Jackie
Go to an Arts and Crafts store or a Store with a lot of ethnic foods and buy as many different sizes and shapes of pastas as you can find. Your children will enjoy seeing how many different kinds are available.
Homemade Pasta
Submitted by Helen
If you have a homemade pasta machine, make it with your children. They will love to see how pasta is made
Real Dough
Submitted by Betty
Make a large batch of playdough and divide it into parts. Make the different parts look and smell like the dough needed to make different cookies. For instance:
*Chocolate Chip - Mix cocoa powder into the playdough
*Ginger Bread -Mix ginger and cinnamon into the playdough
*Vanilla Wafers -Mix vanilla into the playdough.
Peanut Butter and Jelly Cookies
Submitted by Pam
Prepare peanut butter cookies as directed on package. After they cool spread grape jelly on the flat side of one cookie and top with another cookie. This makes a great, relatively clean snack!
Pasta Kitchen
Submitted by Nina
In your dramatic play area provide pasta
*Put several different sizes, shapes and colors of pasta in the area
*Provide pans, spoons, and bowls for your children to pretend their cooking in.
*You can also use yarn colored like spaghetti and pom-poms for meatballs
Pizza Parlor
Submitted by Wilma
Create a pizza parlor using a large appliance box.
*Provide Pizza Pans
*Provide Toppings (Yarn for Cheese, Circle cutouts for Peporoni, green felt peppers, etc)
*Save old pizza boxing for pretend deliveries
*Go to your local pizza store and ask for donations of anything they can (My class got an old car topper!)
Popcorn Types
Submitted by Lori
Using an air popper, make several batches of popcorn. When the popcorn has cooled off, have the children split the popcorn up into several zip loc bags. Pour melted butter into each bag. Sprinkle a dry ingredient into the bags, close the top, and have your children shake it.
Some choices for dry ingredients are Cinnamon, sugar, dry ranch, dry cheese, garlic, etc.
Have your children choose which one they like best and graph the results.
Individual Pizzas
Submitted by Leslie
Make individual pizzas with your class. The possibilities are endless, you can use English muffins, Ritz crackers, Pitas for dough. For all add a little sauce, cheese, and cook until the cheese is melted.
Good and Bad Snacks
Submitted by Mandy
Give each of your children a couple of Oreo cookies. Have them eat them and let them look in the mirror at their teeth. Then discuss with them how plaque builds up on your teeth. Next give your children some fruit and have them look at their teeth again. Now tell your children how some foods are good for your teeth and how others are not
Yummy Yams
Submitted by Val
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