You Are Here: Preschool >> Themes >> Preschool Food Theme >> Preschool Food Games
Cookie Match
Submitted by Paige
Outline cookie cutters on a file folder. Let your children match the cookie cutter with the outline.
Cookie Bingo
Submitted by Mickey
Make bingo boards on circular pieces of brown paper. Provide your children with chocolate chips (made from paper) to use to cover an area. When they get bingo, give them a real cookie!
Pasta Sort
Submitted by Eli
Place different shapes, sizes, and colors of pasta in a bowl. Let your children sort it.
Feed the Cookie Monster
Submitted by Lori
Create a large cookie monster with his mouth cutout. Then play just like 'pin the tail on the donkey' only with cookies.
Real Cookie Bingo
Submitted by Janice
Play Just like real bingo but use cookies to cover the squares!
Topping Toss
Submitted by Courtney
Cut out pizza topping shapes from cardboard. Then have your children stand back and try to throw those shapes onto a pizza pan. (For added effect cut out pictures of the toppings and glue onto the cardboard.
Pasta Match
Submitted by Mindy
Put different kinds of pasta on a piece of paper and trace around it. Provide your children with the paper and the pasta and let them match the tracing with the pasta.
Air Popping Corn
Submitted by Nancy
Put a large piece of paper on the floor. In the middle of the paper put an air popper (without the lid). Have you children stand back (it gets hot) and watch the popcorn fly out. After they see you can have it for snack.
Meatball Count
Submitted by Freta
Create a plate of spaghetti using yarn. Attach a number to the plate. Have your children put a corresponding number of meatballs (pom-poms) on the plate.
Pizza Box Relay
Submitted by Cory
Cut holes in the top of pizza boxes big enough for your children to put their feet in them. Have them do a relay shuffling across the floor.
Pizza Puzzle
Submitted by Lisa
Along with your class decorate a round piece of cardboard as a pizza. Then cut the pizza into puzzle pieces and let your children put it together.
Pizza on the Floor
Submitted by Nina
Outline a piece of pizza on the floor of your classroom. Put different toppings on the piece. Next have your children call out the name of the topping when you or a student steps on it.
Chopstick Practice
Submitted by Tonya
Let your children practice using chopsticks by putting chopsticks in your dramatic play area and providing them with items to pick up with the sticks (pompoms, marshmallows, cotton balls, and small toys are great items to use)
Popcorn Count
Submitted by Bonnie
Glue different number of pieces of popcorn on plates. Have your children separate their own popcorn into these numbers. Then tell them they can eat the pile of 3, pile of 4, etc.
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