You Are Here: Preschool >> Themes >> Preschool Winter Theme >> Preschool Winter Games
Pin the carrot on the snowman
Submitted by Carol
Just like 'Pin the Tail on the Donkey.'
Snowball Fight
Submitted by Irene
Have an indoor snowball fight using rolled up paper or socks or large marshmallows or cotton or balled up newspaper or balled up toilet paper
Class Non-Snow Snowman
Submitted by Hollie
Build a snow man by moistening packing peanuts and sticking together When your ready to melt it simply put it out in the rain or turn the hose on it.
Clothesline Mitten Matching
Submitted by Beverly
Fill a bag full of matching mittens. Have your children pull one mitten at a time out of the bag
Pass the Ice
Submitted by Juanita
Play just like hot potato only with an ice cube. When the music stops clap for the person with the ice.
Mitten Match
Submitted by Caroline
Cut several mittens in different sizes and colors out of construction paper. Laminate these to a manila folder, provide your children with different things that can be matched with these (by color, size, length, etc.) Finally provide them with several real mittens (or duplicate cutouts) to match up.
Color the Snow
Submitted by Torrie
Give your children squirt bottles filled with colored water and let them color the snow.
Color the Snow II
Submitted by Lisa
When it snows, take your old markers outside and let the children color the snow
Number Count
Submitted by Amy
Write numbers on mittens, have your children hang the mittens on a clothesline in numerical order, reverse numerical order, by 2s, etc.
Snowman Bowling
Submitted by Fran
Make several snowmen from something sturdy. Attach these to two liter bottles. Mark off were the 'pins' should sit and let your children bowl away.
Felt Mitten Match
Submitted by Dorlesta
Cut out several different mitten colors from felt and features on them so that there are exactly two mates. Let your children match them on a felt board.
Submitted by Leanna
Bring snow in from outside and let your children build a snowman.
Memory Mittens
Submitted by Cindy
At storytime read the book, a Coat of Many Colors. I made up a game afterwards of (Mittens of Many Colors). I die-cutted mittens in a variety of patterned scrapbooking paper and white poster board. Then I cut the printed mittens in half and make up a variety of pairs of mittens, glue then on the poster board mittens and laminate. Turn them over (white side up) and use them as a memory game
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