Shadow Image
by Julie
What You Need:
- Paper
- Markers/Crayons
- Scissors
- Glue
What You Do:
- Have your children draw themselves or another image on a piece of white paper. Then have them put a piece of black paper behind it and cut out their drawing. Then have them paste the white piece on a separate piece of paper and dray a sun. Finally, they can use the black piece to make a shadow on the paper. These are really cute art projects and teach your children about shadows.
Create a silhouette of your children
by turning out the lights and having each child sit in front of a projector.
Trace their face on a piece of white paper. Cut out and paste on black paper.
Submitted by Connie
Shadow Puppets
by Beverly
What You Need:
- Poster Board
- Markers
- Popsicle Sticks
What You Do:
- Have your children draw objects on poster board. Then have them cut out the objects and attach them to Popsicle sticks. They can then put these in front of a flashlight and see the shadows created from their shadow puppets.
Silhouette Collage
by Danielle
What You Need:
- Paper
- Magazines
- Scissors
- Glue
What You Do:
- Create a silhouette of your children by turning out the lights and having each child sit in front of a projector. Trace their face on a piece of white paper. Then have your children use magazines to find items that match their personalities. Have them cut these out and paste these on their paper and create a personality silhouette.
"The Shape of Me and Other Stuff" Shadow image
Submitted by April
What You Need:
- Paper
- Markers/Crayons
- Scissors
- Glue
What You Do:
- Have your children draw themselves or another image on a piece of white paper. Then have them put a piece of black paper behind it and cut out their drawing. Then have them paste the white piece on a separate piece of paper and dray a sun. Finally, they can use the black piece to make a shadow on the paper. These are really cute art projects and teach your children about the shape of them
These Preschool Ideas Found At:
Preschool >> Themes >> Shadows
>> Art