Pet Rock
by Nancy
What You Need:
- Rocks
- Paint
What You Do:
- Have your children gather rocks about the size of their fists. Next have them paint the rocks and add faces to make cute pet rocks.
Rock Zebra
by Amy
What You Need:
- Construction Paper
- Crayons/Markers
- Paint (and perhaps sponges for painting)
- Leaves, Twigs, and Grass
- Scissors
- Small Rocks
- Glue
What You Do:
- Precut zebra shapes on white construction paper and put it in a cake pan. Then, using black paint, have the children roll rocks dipped in paint over the zebra. You can then paste the zebra on paper and have the children use the other supplies to make a zebra habitat!
Rock Painting
by Blair
What You Need
- Small rocks
- Coffee cans
- Tag Board
- Paint
What You Do:
- Put pieces of tag board
on the bottom of a coffee can. Have your children dip the rocks in paint and
then throw them into the can. Finally, place the lid on the can and have your
children shake it like crazy!
This really makes neat designs
These Preschool Ideas Found At:
Preschool >> Themes >> Rocks
>> Art