You Are Here: Preschool >> Themes >> Preschool Jungle Theme >> Preschool Jungle Songs and Music
The Elephant Goes
Submitted by Freta
This is the way the elephant goes
With a curly trunk instead of a nose
The rhino all hairy and fat
Has a sharp horn in place of a hat
The hippo with his mouth so wide
Let's see what's inside
The wiggley snake upon the ground
Crawls along without a sound
But monkey see, monkey do
I the funniest animal I ever knew!
Note: Make actions for each animal (swing arms like elephant nose, put hands on head for rhino's hat, etc)
I Went to the Jungle One Day
(Sung To: "London Bridge")
Submitted by Jen
I went to the jungle one-day, jungle one day, jungle one-day
I saw a monkey on the way and this is what he said, "oh-oh-oh-oh"
I went to the jungle one-day, jungle one day, jungle one-day
I saw a lion on the way and this is what he said, "roar"
went to the jungle one-day, jungle one day, jungle one-day
I saw a snake on the way and this is what he said, "hiss"
Do You Know the Jungle Animals
(Sung to: "The Muffin Man")
Sub. by Tina
Do you know the slimy snake, the slimy snake, the slimy snake
Oh do you know the slimy snake that lives deep in the jungle?
Do you know the chimpanzee, the chimpanzee, the chimpanzee
Oh do you know the chimpanzee that lives deep in the jungle?
Do you know the wildebeest, the wildebeest, the wildebeest
Oh do you know the wildebeest that lives deep in the jungle?
Do you know the crocodile, the crocodile, the crocodile
Oh do you know the crocodile that lives deep in the jungle?
Do you know the mountain lion, the mountain lion, the mountain lion
Oh do you know the mountain lion that lives deep in the jungle?

Note: Add Additional Animals
I'm a Little Zebra
(Sung To: "I'm a Little Teapot")
Submitted by Susan
I'm a little zebra white and black
With a bush mane running down my back
I like to gallop and run and play
Out on the African plains all day.
Monkey See, Monkey Do
Submitted by Tina
The monkey stomp, stomps, stomps his feet
The monkey stomp, stomps, stomps his feet
Monkey see, monkey do
The monkey does the same as you!
The monkey claps, claps, claps his hands
The monkey claps, claps, claps his hands
Monkey see, monkey do
The monkey does the same as you!
The monkey covers, covers, covers his eyes
The monkey covers, covers, covers his eyes
Monkey see, monkey do
The monkey does the same as you!
The monkey jumps, jumps, jumps up and down
The monkey jumps, jumps, jumps up and down
Monkey see, monkey do
The monkey does the same as you!

Note: Add additional verses (sits down, stands up, turns around, etc)
Tigers and Lions
(Sung To: "London Bridge")
Submitted by Jenni
Lions and tigers come out to play, out to play, out to play,
Lions and tigers come out to play, Tigers and lions
Lions stand up and tigers sit down, tigers sit down, tigers sit down,
Lions stand up and tigers sit down Lions and tigers!
Tigers all walk and lions jog, Tigers all walk and lions jog
Tigers all walk and lions jog, Lions and tigers
Lions twist and tigers hop, Lions twist and tigers ho
Lions twist and tigers hop, Lions and tigers
I'm a Little Monkey
(Sung To: "I'm a Little Teapot")
Submitted by Carla
I'm a little monkey in the tree,
Swinging by my tail so merrily
I can leap and fly from tree to tree
I have lots of fun you see.
I'm a little monkey watch me play
Munching on bananas every day
Lots of monkey friends to play with me
We have fun up in the tree.
The Animals In the Jungle Say
(Sung To: "The Wheels on the Bus")
The parrots in the jungle say squawk, squawk, squawk,
Squawk, squawk, squawk, squawk, squawk, squawk,
The parrots in the jungle say squawk, squawk, squawk, all day long
The monkeys in the jungle say ooh, ooh, ooh, all day long.
The monkeys in the jungle say ooh, ooh, ooh,
ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh,
The monkeys in the jungle say ooh, ooh, ooh, all day long.
The tigers in the jungle say grrr, grrr, grr,
grrr, grrr, grr, grrr, grrr, grr,
The tigers in the jungle say grrr, grrr, grr, all day long.
I'm A Lion
(Sung to: "Three Blind Mice")
Submitted by Jill
I'm a lion, I'm a lion
Hear me roar, hear me roar
I love to sleep out in the sun
And chase other animals just for fun
In all the jungle I'm Number One, I'm a lion
Down In The Jungle
Submitted by Shelly
Down in the jungle with the beat in your feet,
Think of an animal that you'd like to meet.
That you'd like to meet (have a child yell out an animal name)
A (Lion), A (Lion) She wants to see a (Lion)!
Note: continue the chant until everyone has had a chance to name an animal
Five Little Monkeys in a Tree
Submitted by Barbara
Five little monkeys swinging in a tree,
Teasing the alligators, you can catch me, you can catch me....
Along came a alligator quiet as can be.......
And snapped that monkey right out of that tree!

Four little monkeys swinging in a tree,
Teasing the alligators, you can catch me, you can catch me....
Along came a alligator quiet as can be.......
And snapped that monkey right out of that tree!

Three little monkeys swinging in a tree,
Teasing the alligators, you can catch me, you can catch me....
Along came a alligator quiet as can be.......
And snapped that monkey right out of that tree!

Two little monkeys swinging in a tree,
Teasing the alligators, you can catch me, you can catch me....
Along came a alligator quiet as can be.......
And snapped that monkey right out of that tree!

One little monkey swinging in a tree,
Teasing the alligators, you can catch me, you can catch me....
Along came a alligator quiet as can be.......
And snapped that monkey right out of that tree!
No little monkeys swinging in a tree

Underneath the Monkey Tree
Submitted by Stephanie
Come and play a while with me, Underneath the monkey tree.
Monkey See and Monkey Do, Just like monkeys in the zoo.
Swing your tail, one, two, three, Underneath the monkey tree.
Monkey See and Monkey Do, Just like monkeys in the zoo.
Jump around and smile like me, Underneath the monkey tree.
Monkey See and Monkey Do, Just like monkeys in the
Alligator on a Log
Submitted by Linda
There once was an alligator sitting on a log,
Down in the pool he saw a little frog
In jumped the alligator, and around went the log
Splash went the water, and away swam the frog
Alligator Noise
Submitted by Jen
(Softly) Alligator (Make alligator mouth with fingers)
Looking for some food in the morning
(Louder) Alligator (Make alligator mouth with hands)
Looking for some food in the morning
(Louder) Alligator (Make alligator mouth with arms)
Looking for some food in the morning
Three Layers in the Jungle
(Sung To: "If Your Happy and You Know It")
There are three layers in the Jungle, Yes indeed.
There are three layers in the Jungle, Yes indeed.
The Emergents, Canopy, and the Understory.
There are three layers in the Jungle, Yes indeed!
Submitted by Tina
Jello Jungle Animals
Submitted on the Comment Boxl
Children can make jello jungle animal figures, this way they can see the process the jello takes(liquid to solid)
materials are jello, cookie cutters, cookie sheet and a bowl for mixing. Also, a paper plate can be decorated with the jungle jello animal for presentation.
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