You Are Here: Preschool
>> Themes
>> Preschool GroundHogs Day Theme >> Preschool GroundHogs Day Arts and Crafts
Cup Groundhog
by Susan
What You Need:
- Styrofoam Cup
- Paint
- Sand
- Popsicle stick
- Pompoms
What You Do:
- Cover the cup glue and then sprinkle sand on it. Take a Popsicle stick and glue a brown pompom (add googly eyes to the pompom) On the bottom of the cup make a small slit in bottom of cup and put the Popsicle stick through it. Now you can have your groundhog peak over the hill and see if it sees it shadow.
Toilet Paper Roll Groundhog
by Betty
What You Need:
- One 2" Brown Pompom per student
- Three small pompoms
- Googly Eyes
- Paint
- Tacky Glue
What You Do:
- Have children glue the
large pompom ball to a tongue depressor. Have the children use two of the smaller
pompoms for ears, and use another one for a nose. Next add googly eyes. Set
this aside to dry.
Finally Paint a toilet tissue roll or a cup like a hill (green paint). Then put the stick in the toilet paper roll and you can have your groundhog come out of the hill
Shadow Image
Submitted by
What You Need:
- Paper
- Markers/Crayons
- Scissors
- Glue
What You Do:
- Have your children draw themselves or another image on a piece of white paper. Then have them put a piece of black paper behind it and cut out their drawing. Then have them paste the white piece on a separate piece of paper and dray a sun. Finally, they can use the black piece to make a shadow on the paper. These are really cute art projects and teach your children about shadows.
Create a silhouette of your children
by turning out the lights and having each child sit in front of a projector.
Trace their face on a piece of white paper. Cut out and paste on black paper. Shadow Puppets
by Patsy
What You Need:
- Poster Board
- Markers
- Popsicle Sticks
What You Do:
- Have your children draw objects on poster board. Then have them cut out the objects and attach them to Popsicle sticks. They can then put these in front of a flashlight and see the shadows created from their shadow puppets.
Silhouette Collage
by Georgia
What You Need
- Paper
- Magazines
- Scissors
- Glue
What You Do:
- Create a silhouette of
your children by turning out the lights and having each child sit in front of
a projector. Trace their face on a piece of white paper. Then have your children
use magazines to find items that match their personalities. Have them cut these
out and paste these on their paper and create a personality silhouette.
These Preschool Ideas Found At:
Preschool >> Themes >> Groundhog's
Day >> Art