Happy or Sad
Make two paper plates. One with a happy face and one with a sad face. Cut many
different things out of magazines. Let your children sort them by what makes them
happy and what makes make them sad
How to React
Set a stick child, stuffed animal, or doll in a chair. Tell your children that
this is your child and he does not want to go to bed. Ask them how they think
the child feels. Then ask them things that make them feel that way. Next tell
them that the child is about to go out and play. Ask them how they think the
child feels. Then ask them what makes them feel this way.
Place pictures of children showing different expressions (laughing, surprised,
mad, crying, smiling, etc.) Put a mirror next to the pictures and let them try
copying the expressions. These Preschool Ideas Found At:
Preschool >> Themes >> Feelings
>> Science