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>> Themes
>> Preschool Fairy Tales Theme >> Preschool Fairy Tales Songs and Music
Mother of the Fairytale
by Lisa
Mother of the fairytaleTake me by your silver hand.
Sail me in your silver boat.
Sail me silently afloat.
Mother of the fairytale
Take me to your shining land
Fairies in the Yard
by Rebecca
Fairies in the yard are twirling around, twirling around, twirling around.Fairies in the yard are twirling around, all around the yard
Fairies in the yard are flying around, flying around, flying around.
Fairies in the yard are flying around, all around the yard.
Fairies in the yard are leaping around, leaping around, leaping around.
Fairies in the yard are leaping around, all around the yard
Fairies in the yard are skipping around, skipping around, skipping around.
Fairies in the yard are skipping around, all around the yard
Fairies in the yard are running around, running around, running around.
Fairies in the yard are running around, all around the yard
Fairies in the yard are hopping around, hopping around, hopping around.
Fairies in the yard are hopping around, all around the yard
All Around the Castle
(Sung To: Pop Goes the Weasel)
Sub by Julie
All around the castle The knight chased the dragon
The dragon thought it was all in fun
ROAR went the dragon!
The Grand Old Duke Of York
by Julie
The grand old duke of York He had ten thousand men,
He marched them up the hill,
He marched them down again.
And when they're up, they're up, (stand up)
And when they're down, they're down, (sit down)
But when they're only half way up, (crouch)
They're neither up nor down
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