You Are Here: Preschool >> Themes >> Preschool Easter Theme >> Preschool Easter Activities
Easter Baskets
Submitted by an Unknown Friend
Make muffins with the childre and then let them ice them. Finally, add a piece of licorice to the top to make it look like a muffin.
Bunny Footprints
Submitted by Jane
Use a cardboard cutout bunny footprint as a pattern to make baby powder footprints on the floor of your classroom. When they ask where the footprints came from don't tell them let them guess.
Easter Grass Area
Submitted by Paula
Fill a small wading pool or other container with Easter grass and place in an area of your classroom. Let your children read or play in the Easter Grass
Putty in Eggs
Submitted by an Unknown Friend
Make silly putty with your class. Put this putty in plastic easter eggs. For great silly putty recipes see our recipes section at:
Easter Egg Incentives
Submitted by Gayle
Put fun prizes in small plastic eggs. When you see a child doing something kind give them an egg.
Create a Rubber Egg
Submitted by Val
Place a egg in a container and pour vinegar over the egg until it is completely covered with liquid. Ask your children what they think will happen to the egg. In a few days your children will be delighted and surprised at what happens.
Use strawberry baskets, blueberry baskets, or milk catons for Easter Baskets.
Cooking with Eggs
Submitted by Tish
Dye your water table yellow. Place plastic eggs into the water table and then let your children pretend that they are cooking with eggs (the yellow water is a beaten egg)
Egg Taste Test
Submitted by Louis
Provide your children with different types of eggs and let them taste the difference (hard boiled, scrambled, over easy, etc)
Egg Drop Soup Snack
Submitted by Ula
Have egg drop soup for snack
Bird's Nests
Submitted by an Unknown Friend
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