You Are Here: Preschool >> Themes >> Preschool Dental Health Theme >> Preschool Dental Health Songs and Music
Tooth Finger Play
(Use Fingers to represent teeth)
Submitted by Bonnie
Sad tooth, sad tooth, full of decay
Sweets caused me to feel this way

Happy tooth, happy tooth shiny and white,
Brushing keeps me beautiful and shining so bright
Brush our Teeth
Submitted by an Unknown User
This is the way we brush our teeth, brush our teeth, brush our teeth
This is the way we brush our teeth, so early in the morning.
Brush them up and brush them down, in little circles or round and round
Don't brush them from side to side, for those sugar bugs will surely hide
The Dentist Says
Submitted by Jen
The dentist says, please brush your teeth
The dentist says, please brush your teeth
The dentist says, please brush your teeth
And you'll have a healthy smile.

The dentist says, please floss your teeth
The dentist says, please floss your teeth
The dentist says, please floss your teeth
And you'll have a healthy smile

The dentist says, please eat good food
The dentist says, please eat good food
The dentist says, please eat good food
And you'll have a healthy smile
Toothbrush Rhyme
Submitted on the Comment Boxl
Up like a rocket, down like the rain
Back and forth like a choo-choo train
Teacher says rhyme as children move toothbrush up then down the front teeth and teeth on the side. Back and forth is done on tops of teeth. Children open mouth place tooth brush on tops of teeth (refer to these as the train tracks) don't forget to have children turn toothbrush over and do the upper tracks too.
We then brush the hill between the tracks (The tongue)
The kids love this rhyme. It also teaches the concepts; up, down and back and forth!