You Are Here: Preschool >> Themes >> Preschool Colors Theme >> Preschool Colors Science
Different Shades of Colors
Submitted by Barbra
Give a white ice cube tray to the child and fill the first three holes with red, yellow and blue water. Give the child an eye dropper (or medicine dropper) and let them mix the colors in the empty spaces. This will create many shades of colors.
Mixing Color Bottle
Submitted by Tina
About Four days before needed or as a group, chop small portions of candle wax coloring put them in bable oil (it takes about 4 days to melt into the baby oil). Once the mixture is melted, color water using food coloring. Next add colored baby oil to the bottom 1/2 of the bottle and the colored water the the top 1/2. Seal the bottles and shake. The colors will mix and then separate again and again. Blue and Yelow Works really well

Alternate Method:
Color vegetable oil with powdered tempra and add to a water bottle. Color water with food coloring and pour into the bottle. Colors will mix to form secondary color when shaken, then separate again when undisturbed. Tip: Super glue the top onto bottle to prevent opening.
Water Colors and Balloons
Submitted by Tom
Make balloons out of poster board and laminate them. Then have small containers with colored water in the primary colors. Add small paintbrushes or eyedroppers and let kids put the colored water on the balloons to see what color the balloons chang to.
Making Brown
Submitted by Candice
Show your children how they can make different brown paint by mixing red, yellow, and blue, orange and black paint. You can then let them write B's with their Brown Paint.
Colored View
Submitted by Lisa
Cover a window with colored cellophane. Invite your children to look out of the window and see how the color changes their view. Each day cut out different colored celophane shapes and add them to the window. Point out the new color and shape and invite your children to see how the corners of cellophane overlap to make even more colors.
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