You Are Here: Preschool >> Themes >> Preschool Easter Theme >> Preschool Easter Activities
Block Tomb
Submitted by Cheryl
Build a tomb with blocks or legos and then find a rock from outside and put it in front of the tomb. For added effect put a picture of Jesus inside the tomb. Next, talk to your children about how Jesus died and three days latter he was raised from the dead. have them count to three and then roll the rock away. Note: You can follow this project up by singing:

Jesus not dead,
No He is alive.
Jesus' not dead
No He is alive.
Jesus' not dead,
No He is alive.
I know, He's living in me.

Cross Incentive
Submitted by Frances
Make a giant cross on your bulletin board. Anytime you see a child being kind, helping others, etc. give them a paper heart and have them put the heart on the cross.
Cross Cookies
Submitted by Gayle
Have your children cut out Cross shapes from cookies and then cook them for snack
Jelly Bean Prayer
Submitted by an Unknown User
For a present to your parents give them jelly beans as a gift
and attach the following poem:

The Jelly Bean Prayer
RED is for the blood He gave.
GREEN is for the grass He made.
YELLOW is for the sun so bright.
ORANGE is for the edge of night.
BLACK is for the sins we made.
WHITE is for the grace He gave.
PURPLE is for his hour of sorrow.
PINK is for our new tomorrow.
A bag full of Jelly Beans,
Colorful and sweet.
Is a prayer, is a promise,
Is a friend's small treat.

Tomb Snack
Submitted by Beverly
Cut a donut in half and stand it up on a plate. put the donut hole in front of this.
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