Hand zoo animals
by Debra
What You Need:
- Fabric Scraps
- Paper
- Crayons/Markers
- Paint (and perhaps sponges for painting)
- Scissors
- Glue
- Leaves
- Grass
What You Do:
- Have each child trace their hand on light colored paper. Allow your childrent to use the materials to create the markings and features of their favorite zoo animal. Encourage students to create the animals natural environment with the leaves and grass.
Marble Zebra
Submitted by
What You Need:
- Construction Paper
- Crayons/Markers
- Paint (and perhaps sponges for painting)
- Leaves, Twigs, and,Grass
- Scissors
- Glue
What You Do:
- Precut zebra shapes on white construction paper and then, using black paint, have the children marble paint the zebra. You can then paist the zebra on paper and have the children use the other supplies to make a zebra habitat
These Alphabet Ideas Are Located At:
Preschool >> Alphabet >> The
Letter Z >> Art