Watch the Ice Melt
by Hollie
Completely amerce any item into water and freeze it. Then sit it our and let
your children watch as the item reappears.Non Messy Ice
by Pamela
For a non messy way for your children to experience ice. Freeze water in a ziploc
bag or plastic glove.Insects Aquarium
by Mrs. Kelli
Put a lot of bugs in an aquarium. Make sure the lid fits well. Let your kids
watch the bugs. They will enjoy seeing the bugs as well as learn a lot. Sticky Ice
by Fran
Put a piece of ice in a bowl of water (should float on the top) give your children
a string and have them try to pick up the ice. They will not be able to do this.
Then have them lay the string gently across the ice and put salt over the ice
cube. Slowly count to 10 and presto the ice will stick to the string.Quick Melt
by Nancy
Fill several containers with water and freeze them. Take them outside and put
winter salt on some and not on the others. Ask your children which one they
think will melt first. For added fun add food coloring on the top of each. The
one with winter salt will melt away into a neat pattern.Melting Chart
by Andi
Have your children predict what will make ice melt the fastest (salt, cold water,
hot water, salt water, nothing) Use each method on similar size chunks of ice
and graph the resultIgloo
by India
Talk about how Igloos are made and how they protect Eskimos. Then have your
children try to make one using either sugar cubes and frosting or ice cubes
and salt (helps stick cubes together)
Watching Ivy
by an Unknown Friend
Plant Ivy somewhere in your classroom and let your children watch it growMelts in Your Hand
by Tarah
Ask your children to predict if snow/ice will melt faster in your bare hand
or in a mitten. Graph the results.These Alphabet Ideas Are Located At:
Preschool >> Alphabet >> The
Letter I >> Science