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Layers in the Rainforest
(sung to "If You're Happy and You Know
It")Submitted by Tina
There are layers in the rainforest, yes indeed, yes indeed There are layers in the rainforest, yes indeed, yes indeed
Emergent, canopy and the understory
There are layers in the rainforest, yes indeed, yes indeed
The emergent is home to birds and butterflies, butterflies
The emergent's home to birds and butterflies, butterflies
The trees are so high that they almost touch the sky.
The emergent is home to bird and butterflies, butterflies
The canopy is like a big umbrella, big umbrella
The canopy is like a big umbrella, Big umbrella
Monkeys, sloths orangutans, eat all the fruit they can
The canopy is like a big umbrella, big umbrella
The understory is home to many snakes, many snakes
The understory is home to many snakes, many snakes
They eat cats and bats and rats, And they like the gnats for snacks
The understory's home to many snakes, Many snakes
The forest floor is dim, dark and wet, dark and wet
The forest floor is dim, dark and wet, dark and wet
Oh, the ants go marching by, As they watch the birds up high.
The forest floor is dim, dark and wet, dark and wet
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