You Are Here: Preschool >> Themes >> Preschool Farm Animals Theme >> Preschool Farm Animals Arts and Crafts
During Farm week let your children paint with toy tractors. They can run the tractors through the paint and then all over paper. This makes really neat designs.
Pig Nose
Submitted by Val
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Milk Carton Barn
Submitted by Caroline
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During farm week let your children paint with assorted farm animal cookie cutters or better yet horseshoes.
Marble Cow
Submitted by Carla
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have your children use chocolate pudding, brown paint, or dirt and water and mix the mud
Pig Of Many Pinks
Submitted by Lisa
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Piggy Toes
Submitted by an Unknown Friend
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paint with egg shells or plastic eggs during farm week
Stick Horse
Submitted by Barbra
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Cut horse shapes out of sponges and let your children paint with them.
use a milk jug to make a pig (put the jug on its side and the lid is the nose) and then decorate with paint.
Three Pigs House
Submitted by Candy
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These Preschool Ideas Found At:
Everything Preschool >> Themes  >> Farm Animals >> Art