You Are Here: Preschool >> Themes >> Preschool Dr. Seuss Theme >> Preschool Dr. Seuss Science
"The Shape of Me and Other Stuff" Silhouette
Submitted by Julia
Show your children the shape of them by creating a silhouette of your children by turning out the lights and having each child sit in front of a projector. Trace their face on a piece of black paper with a white crayon. Additionally you can set this up in the dramatic play area and let your children trace each other's silhouettes.
Dr. Seuss Graph
Submitted by Judy
Put all of the Dr. Seuss books that you have read on a graph. Have your children pick which one is their favorite and graph the results.
"A Great Day for Up" Ladder
Submitted by Fran
Bring in a ladder for class and let your children see what the world is like "Up"
"The Foot Book" Measurement
Submitted by Torrie
Measure all of your children's feet. Trace them and put them in order of smallest to largest.
"Oh, the Places You'll Go!"
Submitted by Trish
Read the story "Oh, the Places You'll Go!" and then have your children name all of the places they go in the day, have been in the past, want to go to, etc.
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Everything Preschool >> Themes  >> Dr. Seuss >> Science