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Days of the Week (Sung to "The Adam's Family Theme")
Days of the week (snap, snap), Days of the week (snap, snap)
Days of the week, Days of the week, Days of the week
There's Sunday and There's Monday
There's Tuesday and There's Wednesday
Theres Thursday adn There's Friday
and then there's Saturday
Days of the week (snap, snap), Days of the week (snap, snap)
Days of the week, Days of the week, Days of the week

After the class has figured out what day it is have the calendar person lead the group in counting the days to figure out the date. Each day velcro the new # and as a class say the date (ex. on July 28, then count from 1 to 7 and replace the 7 with an 8 then have the class say today is Tuesday July 28, 2001)

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