This Month Is ...... |
- Safe Toys and Gifts Month
- Read A New Book Month
- Love Your Neighbor Month
- Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month
- Read A New Book Month
- World AIDS Month
- Birthday Month of Bingo
- Hug-A-Week for the Hearing Impaired Month
- Human Rights Month
- International Calendar Awareness Month
- National Stress-Free Family Holiday Month
Week One |
- Cookie Cutter Week
- Deaf Heritage Week
- Aplastic Anemia Awareness Week
Week Two |
- You're Doing a Good Job! Week
- Human Rights Week
Week Three |
- Lipstick Week
- International Language Week
Week Four |
Day-Long Observances,
Events, & Holidays |
December 1, 2006
- Apple Day
- Bifocals at the Monitor Lieration Day
- Day With(out) Art
- Pie Day
- World AIDS Day
December 2, 2006
- Abolition of Slavery Day
- Coats for Kids Day
- Special Education Day
December 3, 2006
- Make a Gift Day
- Disabled Persons Awareness Day
December 4, 2006
- Cookie Day
- Extraordinary Work Team Recognition Day
- National Dice Day
- Santa's List Day
December 5, 2006
- Bathtub Fun Day
- International Volunteer Day for Economic & Social Development
- National Commute With Your Baby Day
- Discovery Day (Haiti)
- Walt Disney's Birthday
December 6, 2006
- Pawnbrokers Day
- Special Kids Day
- Saint Nicholas Day
December 7, 2006
- Civil Aviation Day
- Cotton Candy Day
- Letter-Writing Day
- Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day
- Teacher Appreciation Day
December 8, 2006
December 9, 2006
- Homemade Gift Day
- Day of the Horse
- International Shareware Day
- Shareware Day
December 10, 2006
- Hanukkah Begins
- Human Rights Day
December 11, 2006
December 12, 2006
- Poinsettia Day
- Gingerbread House Day
December 13, 2006
- Cocoa Day
- Pick a PAthologist Pal Day
- Friday the 13th
December 14, 2006
December 15, 2006
- Bill of Rights Day
- Cat Herders Day
- Underdog Day
December 16, 2006
- Stupid Toy Day
- Boston Tea Party Occured
- Barney and Barbie Backlash Day
- National Chocolate Covered Anything Day
December 17, 2006
December 18, 2006
- Bake Cookies Day
- Wear A Plunger On Your Head Day
- International Migrants Day
December 19, 2006
- Oatmeal Muffin Day
- Underdog Day
December 20, 2006
- Go Caroling Day
- Sacagawea Day
December 21, 2006
- Don't Be A Scrooge Day
- Flashlight Day
- Forefathers' Day
- Underdog Day
- Humbug Day
- Winter Solstice
- World Peace Day
- Yalda
- Yule
December 24, 2006
- Christmas Eve
- Last-Minute Shopper's Day
December 25, 2006
- Christmas Day
- Pumpkin Pie Day
- A'Phabet Day or no "L" Day
December 26, 2006
- Kwanzaa Begins
- Boxing Day
December 27, 2006
- Holocaust Remembrance Day
December 28, 2006
- Card Playing Day
- Pledge of Allegiance Day
- National Chocolate Day
- Call-a-Friend Day
- Chocolate Day
- Holy Innocents Day (Childermas)
December 29, 2006
- YMCA Founded
- Tick Tock Day
- No Interruptions Day
December 30, 2006
- Relaxation Day
- Falling Needles Family Fest Day
December 31, 2006
- Make Up Your Mind Day
- Leap Second Time Adjustment Day
- One Voice Day
- Universal House of Peace Day
- World Peace Meditation Day
- New Year's Eve
- New Year's Resolutions